We are 100% committed to working with you to provide an outstanding experience and instruction based on the standards established by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), and the State of Alabama. Our trainers have real life behind-the-wheel experience, so they are fully prepared to train the next generation of drivers-- not only in safety measures, but what new drivers should expect while on the road.
Golden Compass Trucking School understands the importance of working together to make your dreams a reality, so our goal is to provide trustworthy training at a fraction of the cost. We are locally owned, so that drives us to deliver quality instruction and behind-the-wheel experience, every time.
Our trainers have decades of experience in the field.
Students can learn to drive on automatic transmissions safely.
Competitive prices and friendly service.
Our students aren't dollar signs to us, they're family!